Why Recycle Steel/Tin Cans?

Steel is the most recycled material on Earth.  Around 65% of steel/tin cans are recycled, compared to only about 50% of aluminum cans.  The amount of energy saved using recycled steel compared to virgin ore is up to 56%. Recycling steel also means saving landfill space.  Steel can be recycled infinitely - over and over again without losing its strength; this means recycled steel has a wide range of reuse from construction and household appliances to your next container of FreeMe Deodorant.  Its a win win for everyone, especially our planet! 


What Our Customers Think


Mail your clean, empty tins to FOBA REFILLERY, 1434 Fleet Street,  Level 1, Baltimore, MD 21231.  Please include a small note indicating which free deodorant you would like and the return address to mail your item.  That's It!  You will receive your item direct to your door.  Thank you for recycling with Fran.